Jamie Davison » Remote Learning May 18th-May 22nd

Remote Learning May 18th-May 22nd

Hello Everyone!


Remote Learning "Office Hours":

I will be available via email or Dojo daily from 10-2 if you have any questions or concerns. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.   Even though these are stressful times, please enjoy this extra time as a family.  Please keep sending photos and videos.  I LOVE seeing them!


Remote Learning Lesson Plans For May 18th – May 22nd


Friday 5/22 will be Field Day- Your child is not expected to complete any assignments that day.  More information will be forthcoming! Enjoy Field Day!


 The plans below are for 5/18-5/22, please try your best to complete the work with your child according to whatever schedule works best for your family!  


This week, we are going to start working on “Fairy Tales”

Fairy tales are fun stories to read and write.  We have listened to a few throughout the school year and you probably have heard some at home as well.  Here are some examples…


The Three Little Pigs

Three Billy Goats Gruff

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Snow White


The Little Red Hen


Fairy tales are important because they spark our imagination, and are often magical.  They are NOT realistic and anything can really happen in them.  The characters can be people or talking animals.  Some characters are very good and kind.  Sometimes there is an evil character in the story too.  This type of story usually starts with “Once upon a time…” and it often ends with a “happily ever after”. 


Listen to the story of The Little Red. Then, fill out the Elements of a Fairytale worksheet.  You can print it out and complete it, OR complete it on Seesaw.


Start thinking of a fairy tale you would like to write next week.  Start brainstorming!  What will your characters look like?  What are their names?  Where is your story going to take place?  What kind of problem and solution can they have?  On Seesaw, there is a character paper you can plan out your main character.  If you are making an animal character you can just use a blank piece of paper.  J  There is also a settings page.  You can think of ideas for a problem and solution on the back of one of these.  You can also just draw your ideas on plain paper if you would like.   Like in class, these can be your “sloppy copies” so they don’t have to be neat.  Just get ideas in your head!  Next week, your writing assignment is going to be to write this story out for me.  So, please really take your time and think about what you want to write.  Just like with reading, the more you are interested in something, the harder you will work on it! 


You can print these pages out OR complete them on Seesaw!


When you have finished your writing ideas, please send it to me via Dojo or  post it on Seesaw.


This week, we are going to continue our unit called “Avid Readers”


Avid Readers

Last week, I told you how Avid Readers are people who absolutely LOVE to read. 


Please view the “Avid Readers” lesson posted on Seesaw.  Send me pictures or videos on Seesaw of you being an “Avid Reader”.


These type of readers read a lot, find places to read everywhere, and keep stacks of books they can’t wait to read next.  Avid Readers just can’t stop reading!!!  Now that you know what kind of books you like the most, you need to start reading EVERYWHERE!



*Please continue to read on Raz-Kids and try to record at least one story for me to listen to you read this week!  You should be reading at least 10-15 minutes each day.  You are doing AMAZING!


Additional/Optional Activities:

If you would like to, log into Seesaw and complete the comprehension activities posted for this week: 


Tuesday: The Day the Crayons Quit

Thursday: The Gruffalo


 Log onto Seesaw, complete the CVC word lesson that is posted each for that day.  There will be a CVC word lesson posted for Monday and Wednesday.

Snap Word Practice:

 Log onto Seesaw, complete the SNAP word activity that is posted each for day.  There will be a SNAP word lesson posted for Tuesday and Thursday.  I will also post a “Sight Word Choice Mat” if you would prefer to choose an activity on there instead of Seesaw. 


Throughout this week, please complete lessons:


  • 11-3 on Seesaw
  • 11-4 on Seesaw
  • 11-5 on Seesaw
  • Addition/Subtraction lesson on Seesaw



* Additional Activities: happynumbers.com.  Please refer to the login information that was sent to you via dojo. 

Science- To be completed this WEEK

 Log into Seesaw.  Throughout this week, complete the “Lifecycle of a Butterfly” and “Mystery Doug – Butterflies” Lessons.   

Social Emotional Learning:

Please choose an activity from the “Mindfulness Bingo” to complete.