Jamie Davison » Remote Learning June 1st-June 5th

Remote Learning June 1st-June 5th

Remote Learning Lesson Plans For June 1st – June 5th

The plans below are for 6/1-6/5, please try your best to complete the work with your child according to whatever schedule works best for your family!  



 Wow!  We have been working on a few different types of writing since beginning remote learning.  Please use this week as a “catch-up” week.  Maybe you want to finish up a persuasive writing piece or a fairy tale piece.  Feel free to go back and work on a piece of writing that is still “in progress”. 


You can choose to respond to 2 of the “Fairy Tale Prompts”.  I will send this in a message in seesaw, and they are also posted below.


When you have finished your writing, please send it to me via Dojo or  post it on Seesaw.


 This week, we are going to continue our unit called “Avid Readers”


Please view the “Avid Readers Session 3” lesson posted on Seesaw. 

This week will be focusing on how Avid Readers:


-Mark important parts of a book with a post-it or bookmark

-Talk about important parts of the book with someone


Avid Readers like to talk about important parts of books with other people.  Sometimes, it helps to mark the pages as you are reading them by putting a post-it or a bookmark on that page.  You can even draw a picture or a few words on your post-it so you can remember why you wanted to talk about that page. 


Sometimes an important part in the book may make us:

- Have a strong feeling

 -Remind us of something we have done

- Make us laugh

-Make us wonder…why?  Or, What is going to happen next?


After you have marked a page in your book that is important, please share it with me on seesaw.  You can add it as a response on seesaw to “Avid Readers Session 4”. 


 On Thursday or Friday, complete the “Fiction Book Review” Activity. 


When I finish a book, I like to share what I thought about it with others! However, instead of just telling them, I like to write a book review. This way - I can share my ideas about a book with other readers. The purpose of doing a book review is to help people decide whether or not this particular book would interest them enough to read it. Pick one book this week to write/draw a review about!  


 *Please continue to read on Raz-Kids and record at least one story for me to listen to you read this week!  You should be reading at least 10-15 minutes each day.  You are doing AMAZING!


 Log onto Seesaw, complete the CVC/Nonsense word lesson that is posted each for that day.  There will be a CVC/Nonsense word lesson posted for Monday and Wednesday.  Remember that “nonsense” words are silly words that are not real words.  Reading “nonsense” words really help us amp up our “Sound Power”.  There will be a rhyming activity posted on Friday. 

Snap Word Practice:

 Log onto Seesaw, complete the SNAP word activity that is posted each for day.  There will be a SNAP word lesson posted for Tuesday and Thursday.  On Tuesday, you will be unscrambling a sentence with some of our SNAP words.  On Thursday, you will be reading a story and circling our SNAP words.  I will also post a “Sight Word Choice Mat” if you would prefer to choose an activity on there instead of Seesaw. 


 For Pearson:

* Log in to https://www.pearsonrealize.com/index.html#/ using the username and password I provided on DOJO

* Click “my work” and complete the assignments listed. 


Throughout this week, please complete lessons:


Topic 11 Test (This will be completed through the Pearson website)


14-1  Compare by Length and Height


14-2  Compare by Capacity


14-3  Compare by Weight


Additional Activities: happynumbers.com.  This will help your child maintain “fact fluency”.  Please refer to the login information that was sent to you via dojo. 

 Science- To be completed this week

 Log into Seesaw.  Throughout this week, complete the “A Chick’s Lifecycle” and “Label the Chick” Lessons.