The History of LOP
School Opened:
- Housed students in grades 5, 6, 7, & 8
- Was considered exclusively an upper-elementary grade school
- Students attended from Land O'Pines, Aldrich, Southard, Newbury, and Ramtown sending districts
- All administration offices were located at Land O'Pines: Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Pupil Personnel Services, Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisors, Maintenance Department and Transportation Department.
First Major addition:
- New Media Center, Cafeteria, and offices
- Grade levels expanded to now include grades 1-8
Mothers' Day: Major Fire at School:
- Fire was intentionally set, and one third of the building was destroyed: 10 classrooms, gymnasium/auditorium, faculty room, storage areas and mechanical drawing room.
- School was closed for one day.
- Students were relocated to Taunton School, and began split sessions for remainder of the year.
- School reopened in September, while renovations were under construction.
- Full building use was resumed in January, 1974.
New Administration Building opened.
- Superintendent's office moved to the new location.
Land O'Pines celebrated its 25th birthday with a week of festive activities including:
- opening and reviewing the contents of the original cornerstone canister
- organizing a new safe-deposit box to be re-buried behind the original cornerstone - to be opened in 2011: 25 years later!
- The Land O'Pines official logo and mascot changed from "Piners" to "Pirates," and a huge celebration was held to welcome all "Pirates" on board the great Pirate Ship!
Additional renovations made to 2 large classrooms
- They were converted to kindergarten classrooms.
- This was the first time Land O'Pines had Kindergarten through Grade 8.
- New Howell Middle School opened taking grades 7 & 8.
- Land O'Pines now a K-6 school.
2nd new addition opened at L.O.P.
- 6 classrooms in all: 2 regular classrooms, 2 kindergarten classrooms, and 2 pre-school handicapped classrooms.
New Middle School Opened
- 6th graders moved to existing and new Middle School.
- Land O'Pines now a K-5 school.
- This will remain well into the next century.
Land O'Pines celebrated its 50th Anniversary.
Land O'Pines celebrated its 50th Anniversary.